Get to know us better

If you are an IT or enigneering specialist looking for job offers, we will help you in this.

Who are we looking for?

We are looking for IT & engineering specialists from all over Poland and Europe. Thanks to the constantly expanding database of offers, we are looking for candidates with all specializations and at various levels of advancement.

What we offer?

We are an outsourcing company, which means that we mediate in the recruitment process between the candidate and the employer, but the final signing of the contract and establishing cooperation takes place directly between you and the employer.

When you decide to cooperate with us, you can count on the following:

  • we will represent you in front of a potential employer, which means that we will present your profile in the most professional way, organize recruitment interviews and ensure that the agreed deadlines are met;
  • we will prepare you for the interview and give you advice that will help you present yourself from the best side;
  • optionally, if necessary, we will help in the preparation of application documents;
  • we will provide you with support during the entire recruitment process as well as during employment. We are happy to provide advice on relocation or the first moments in a new workplace.

How do we work?

With RecruTec you can look for a job in two ways – by applying to a job offer in our job offer database or by sending us your CV with a description of your expectations and planned career path, and we will look for the right job for you.

Why is it worth working with us?

Do you know this feeling when your phone is silent after you apply for a perfect job?
That can have several reasons. Your resume may be lost due to the number of applications sent or get stuck in one process step.
When you apply through RecruTec, you can be sure that thanks to our experience and special tools, your CV will go to the desk of a potential employer and we will keep you up to date, because it is our common interest to choose you from among the candidates.

When taking up work abroad, you should also pay special attention to the safety and verification of the potential employer. Thanks to us, you do not have to worry about it, because we will do it for you.

Terms of cooperation


No fees

We do not charge you any fees or commissions, and our agency will provide you with exactly the same employment conditions as those that you could negotiate by applying directly to the company.


Freedom of action

Working with us, you have complete freedom of action, you can use the help of other employment agencies, and you can look for a job on your own.


Simple cooperation

We focus on transparency and simple forms of cooperation. Therefore, if you provide us with your CV, you can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time.

Recruitment process

Step 1

Submit CV

Did you find the right job offer in our database? Great – apply for a selected position. At the moment, you were not interested in any of the offers? Send us your CV with a description of your expectations and wait for contact from us.

Step 2

Introductory conversation

It’s a conversation between you and our agency representative. If you have applied for a specific position, we will talk about the details of the offer. If you have sent us your CV, we will hear your expectations regarding the job sought.

Step 3

Interview with the employer

Take part in the technical conversation during which you will be able to demonstrate theoretical and practical knowledge expected by the employer, and determine the details of the offer that interest you.

Step 4

Start new job

If you have found a common ground and come to an agreement, all you have to do is pack your bags and start your adventure in a new workplace. Congratulations!

Why is it worth to work with us?

From interviews with candidates who apply to us, we know that what motivates them to work abroad are:

  • interesting projects for well-known companies – a chance to work on interesting projects for companies known around the world;
  • experience – the possibility of rapid professional development, gaining new skills and competences;
  • broadening horizons by meeting new places, interesting people and a different culture.

    Any questions?

    We are happy to answer it

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